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Pin and Stretch Technique

Need a massage but you cant because your myo clinic is / or your self isolating?

This is a powerful and yet gentle technique that I use ALLOT in my treatments. Its highly effective, and doesnt take much effort to do. You don’t need any oil, just your finger pads and time.

The aim of this technique to to ‘reorganize’ the fascia (connective tissue) of the area your working on. When connective tissue is released, it releases and re absorbs the water content it is made of, and as a consequence, the glide between the fascia and the muscle fibers becomes much freer. By default of this technique, it will also release the tight muscle fibers by the way of pressure and oxygenating the fibers.


  1. You don’t need ‘deep pressure’, only 50% pressure.
  2. You are aiming to stretch the skin away from the area you are pinning down.
  3. This is a gentle technique, so you should never feel pain when doing this.
  4. Aim to do each ‘pinned’ stretch at least three times; or until you feel some heat in the area.

Once you get a handle on the concept of this technique, with some creativity , it can be applied anywhere.

By order of a self treatment regime, after your ‘pin & stretching’, you have warmed up the area beautifully for your your ‘spiky ball’ routine. Watch our a video about the concept of spiky ball routines.

Any questions? Feel free to give me a call and I will walk you through this regime 0431773237