The Wonders of Remedial Massage Therapy: A Guide

Do you often suffer from tense muscles, soreness, or injury? Look no further. Remedial massage therapy is a non-invasive, drug-free, and effective way to ease your aches and pains. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at what remedial massage therapy is, how it works, and what its benefits are. History of Remedial Massage […]

Prices as of July 2023

At Greensborough Remedial Massage and Myotherapy, we strive to offer our customers the best possible service and prices. As of 1st July 2023 , we are adjusting our pricing structure to make it more consistent and clearer for our customers. This means that any prices such as $119 will now be rounded up to $120, […]

The Myotherapist Who Became a Social Media Foodie

If you’ve been a client of ours for some time, you may already know that Mignon and I are not just remedial massage therapists and myotherapists – we’re also passionate about cooking! We love trying out new recipes, sharing them with our loved ones, and collecting them in a big, messy pile of scribbled down […]

REST & SLEEP – KEY elements to optimal health

Restoring your body back to optimal health and performance following an injury or chronic pain cycle can be a long and arduous journey. A key factor to successful injury rehabilitation is ensuring that you get enough rest. Sleep is a vital tool when it comes to rehabilitation as it allows the body to recover, restore […]

The fabric of the body

Written by Jane Birmingham – Remedial Massage Therapist When we think of skin we imagine a smooth ( and sometimes hairy and/orwrinkly! ) substance covering all our inner body parts. But when we look at howeasy it is to cut through this substance, it seems unimaginable that it can beholding, molding and shaping us – […]

Maintenance plan Vs Treatment plan

It’s important that you understand the difference between maintenance plans and treatment plans. Maintenance plans and treatment plans offer different approaches when addressing those pesky muscular aches and pains – if used correctly they can be an invaluable tool on your journey towards recovery. By combining knowledge of these two valuable types on plans with […]

The Benefits of Massage and Myotherapy

Massages are known to be relaxing and a great way to relieve stress and tension. But there’s so much more to massage than just feeling good. Receiving regular massages can provide many physical and mental health benefits, as well as prevent certain medical issues from developing. Here, we’ll discuss the various benefits of massage and […]

Make 2023 YOUR year!!

Make 2023 YOUR year!! Ever feel like you are treading water?  What things could be better in your life?  So many people I have spoken to, including myself, found that 2022 was full on being the first year of no lockdowns; so many grand ideas, plans and catch ups and after two years of forced lockdowns, now’s […]

Shiatsu, the restorative modality

Shiatsu focus on stimulating the circulation of Blood and Qi (which is understood to be the ‘life form energy’ which supports and facilitates the nourishment and balance of the body and mind, as you can’t affect one without affecting the other. Shiatsu works by reducing or eliminating stagnations that impede circulation and thus result in muscular tension and stress, while replenishing areas […]