The Body Symphony: Understanding Interconnected Wellness

No area works in isolation of another It’s often said that “no area works in isolation” when it comes to your body. But why is this? What does it mean and how does it relate to our overall health and wellbeing? The phrase “no area works in isolation” is often used to refer to the […]

Unlock Ultimate Relaxation: The Power of Passive Stretching

Passive stretching is an excellent technique that is employed by all practitioners here at Greensborough Remedial Massage & Myotherapy. Its a bit like brushing your teeth and finishing it with flossing.  You can brush your teeth every single day, but if you don’t floss, you are not truly cleaning your teeth the best way that […]

8 different causes for your lower back pain

Lower back pain is an extremely common problem experienced by millions of people around the world. But what actually causes lower back pain? In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to cover 8 different causes for why you may be experiencing lower back pain: 1.Poor Posture: Sitting or standing in hunched over positions can put unnecessary […]

Is Clinical Relaxation Treatment for you?

Clinical relaxation massage is a type of therapy that emphasizes the importance of relaxation in order to improve overall physical and mental health. This type of massage focuses on calming the body down and relieving tension that comes from daily demands, stress and anxiety that can affect both our physical and psychological well being. The […]

The fabric of the body

Written by Jane Birmingham – Remedial Massage Therapist When we think of skin we imagine a smooth ( and sometimes hairy and/orwrinkly! ) substance covering all our inner body parts. But when we look at howeasy it is to cut through this substance, it seems unimaginable that it can beholding, molding and shaping us – […]

Meet Dr Lyndall Daley, a chiro like no other

As a GRMM myotherapy client, you know that taking care of your body is atop priority. Whether you are dealing with chronic pain, a recent injury, orsimply want to optimize your physical performance, you deserve the bestpossible care. That is why we are proud to connect with and utilise our long-standing collaboration with sports chiropractor, […]

The Benefits of Massage and Myotherapy

Massages are known to be relaxing and a great way to relieve stress and tension. But there’s so much more to massage than just feeling good. Receiving regular massages can provide many physical and mental health benefits, as well as prevent certain medical issues from developing. Here, we’ll discuss the various benefits of massage and […]

10 Effective Ways to Naturally Relieve Hip Pain

Hip pain is a common condition that can be caused by inflammation, injury, or other underlying medical issues. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies that can help provide relief from hip pain and improve the overall quality of life. Here are 10 effective ways to naturally relieve hip pain: 1. Hot and Cold Therapy Applying […]

The Benefits of Stretching Daily

Stretching isn’t just for athletes. It can help literally everyone (yes, even you!) stay pain-free and flexible. Stretching daily is an important part of any wellness routine. Doing so increases your range of motion, improves circulation, and reduces stress in the body – all of which add up to less discomfort or stiffness in your […]

Health Benefits of Reiki Healings

Have you tried Reiki? Before our clinic director studied massage 22 years ago, Nicole first learnt her Reiki.  Going on to be a Reiki Master, she always felt her Reiki practice supported her clinical myotherapy practice, and has assisted her clients with energy healing where needed outside of their myotherapy care.  Healings take place over the clothes ( […]