Shiatsu, the restorative modality

Shiatsu focus on stimulating the circulation of Blood and Qi (which is understood to be the ‘life form energy’ which supports and facilitates the nourishment and balance of the body and mind, as you can’t affect one without affecting the other. Shiatsu works by reducing or eliminating stagnations that impede circulation and thus result in muscular tension and stress, while replenishing areas […]

3 fundamental reasons why cupping is awesome

I am guessing at some point in your life, you have heard of cupping.  Its in my opinion that any remedial practitioner and myotherapist worth their salt will utilise this amazing modality within their treatment plan.  Why? Because it works! But I realise its going to take more than telling you it works for you to […]

What is cupping?

Cupping is a very safe and non-invasive modality used by remedial massage therapists,  myotherapist, physiotherapist, osteopaths and Chinese massage therapist. The practitioner places a cup on the muscle of concern and the negative air pressure in the cup caused either by application of flame or suction device will pull all muscle, connective tissue ( fascia […]