Accepting how things are can be hard during this time. I feel allot of the tiredness and exhaustion that comes with lockdown is in the non accepting.
I have felt that it’s in this lockdown – number 6 – that I have felt most present. It helps when we have been through this before, that we know it will pass, and that there will be an end point to the lockdown. When comparing how I felt during the last lockdowns, it was the resistance to what is happening. The resistive feeling being in the background ever so slightly, one where surrendering to what is happening couldn’t quite happen, as if there was an invisible tether on my waist holding me from being truly present.
Knowing how I felt during the last lockdowns, I knew I wanted to enter into the next lockdown differently. When it was announced that lockdown 6 was imminently near, I set the intention that I was going to be fully present with this next lockdown wave. What I have found was that somehow that set the trajectory of being more present during this lockdown. I have by no means been perfect at it, but the ‘twilight’ feeling is not there this time round.
Having a routine has helped e.g. getting up at the same time as hubby – 7am, exercising, walking daily, doing stuff on the website, and running online meditation circles (which are these recordings). The daily routine and the weekly timetable of my Tuesday nights being the time I could hold space for others set a sense of normal for my heart and mind.
In running these circles, it has meant that I have needed to look for a ‘theme’ each week. The word acceptance kept popping into my mind for this week’s theme, and it got me thinking….was that what I did more of this lockdown? Was that how I have been managing to keep myself feeling ahead of the ‘twilight feeling’?
In any case, I decided to explore it with this Tuesday’s meditation, and this recording is just that; a deeper journey into what acceptance is and what it isn’t. What acceptance can do for our hearts and minds, and tapping into our capacity to deeply accept what is.
Have a listen and let me know how you go!