Getting pains in your neck and upper back? Try these stretches to help alleviate the pressure. By stretching the scalenes and pectoral muscles, we take the banding pressure that is pulling everything forward, such as your head and shoulders, which often results in neck pain and upper back pain as everything is over compensating.
They are very simple stretches, but do wonders.
Scalene Stretch
Anchor down the skin on your clavicle as you gentle tilt you head back 45 degrees. This should feel like its both stretching and pulling your skin. This is the fascia releasing. DO NOT roll your head all the way around as you tilt back – ALWAYS reset back to neutral before going into another angle. Hold each tilt for 15- 20 seconds
Pectoral stretch
Using a doorway, or like in my video, a post, place your 90 degree bent elbow on the structure you are using. Ensure your elbow is slightly higher then your shoulder while your hand is pointing upwards. Pivot away from your elbow. The stretch should be felt in your pectoral region.
NEVER stretch into pain, a stretch should ALWAYS feel releasing.